HIATOS Collective: Barcelona Sound Intervention

  • Cateri Muro
  • Raúl Suárez Village Therapy, Sunbury, Australia
Keywords: Sound Intervention, Spatiality, Music, Drift


This paper presents the artistic research project HIATOS Collective through a sound intervention in the city of Barcelona, Spain, exploring the spatial dimension of music through the approach of art-centred artistic research as a theoretical foundation. The aim of the research is to reflect on how the sound dimension interacts with the urban environment and how spatiality influences perception within the concept of "open work". The methodology includes a series of sound-spatial installations in different parts of the city through mapping and situationist drifts as data generation techniques, using ECHOES sound geolocation technology, achieving a deeper understanding of the interconnection between music and space. The conclusions highlight the importance of sound spatiality, its role in perception and emotional connection, as well as its therapeutic potential. 


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How to Cite
Muro, C., & Suárez, R. (2024). HIATOS Collective: Barcelona Sound Intervention. SituArte, 18(31), 106-114. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/situarte/article/view/42366