Greenhouse Cucumber Production with Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers
Cucumber production (Cucumis sativus L.) utilizes great number of chemical fertilizers leading to environmental pollution. Therefore, organic fertilizers represent a tool to meet crop nutrient demand. The objective of this work consisted of evaluating different organic and inorganic fertilizers for cucumber production. The experiment consisted of three treatments and a control (TES), T1 (100% organic fertilizer), T2 (65% organic fertilizer + 35% inorganic fertilizer), T3 (50% organic fertilizer + 50% inorganic fertilizer) and TES (100% inorganic fertilizer). The physiological variables were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, dry and fresh biomass. Production variables were number, weight, length and diameter of fruits. Quality variables were total soluble solids (TSS), firmness, pH, electrical conductivity, titratable acidity, color and shelf-life. It was found that T2 had the highest plant height (355 cm and 50 leaves) and higher fresh fruit weight (326.37 g), fruit length 25.1 cm and diameter of 4.7 cm, T3 had greater number of flowers and root biomass; while TEST had the highest total soluble solids content, pH, color and shelf-life. it is advisable the implementation of T2 due to reduction of production costs without affecting yield and fruit quality.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Cándido Mendoza-Pérez, Belén Cazares-González, Juan Enrique Rubiños-Panta, José Victoriano Ramírez-Romualdo, Jesús del Rosario Ruelas Islas
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