Teaching Physical Education Through Social Networks in Middle School Institutions

Keywords: Physical Education, Social networks, Teaching, Pedagogy


The discussion focused on whether it is possible to teach Physical Education (PE) at a distance has generated a debate about it, there are those who argue the existence of the difficulty in correcting postures or motor gestures on site and avoid injuries and others who advocate the need for integration and digital transformation according to specific needs and contexts in the pedagogical task. The purpose of this research is to describe the pedagogical process of Physical Education teachers when teaching, an area considered eminently practical, through social networks. The method used was the phenomenological description of the lived experience of eight (8) teachers, as reported. Defining the educational fact with digital contents and reaching a universal valuation is an uphill task in terms of contexts and diverse realities related to connectivity. In short, the digital era is among us and in Physical Education opens an epistemological space that transcends tangible experiences capable of linking the pedagogical act between the real and the virtual.


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Author Biographies

Freddycard Guerrero, University of Carabobo-Venezuela

Bachelor of Physical Education. Faculty of Education Sciences. University of Carabobo. Sports Teacher and Coach. Valencia, Venezuela.

Arístides Ezequiel Méndez-Arias, University of Carabobo-Venezuela

PhD in Education. Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Carabobo. Research professor, Directorate of Research and Intellectual Production. Valencia, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Guerrero, F., & Méndez-Arias, A. E. (2024). Teaching Physical Education Through Social Networks in Middle School Institutions. Journal of the University of Zulia , 15(44), 222-232. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13684798