The Use of a Virtual Reality System in the Rehabilitation of Children with Progressive Muscular Dystrophies

Keywords: Physical therapy, progressive muscular dystrophy, children, virtual reality technologies


The research aim is to prove the effectiveness of individual programs of physical therapy and occupational therapy for children with progressive muscular dystrophy (PMD), which include game technologies of virtual reality. The following research methods were used in the work: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, synthesis of literature); clinical (clinical examination); pedagogical (observation, experiment); biomedical (development of motor functions), mathematical statistics. It has been proven that after the implementation of a synergistic rehabilitation program on the MFM scale positive changes were observed among children with dystrophic pathologies; according to the Vignos scale, no improvement in results was recorded; according to the Brooke scale - similar situation,among children with PMD Landusy-Dejerin, Emery-Dreyfus and unspecified form, the final results did not differ from the weekend, and among children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, born PMD and Erb-Roth PMD showed deterioration of parameters.


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How to Cite
Khrystova, T., Pyurko, V., Pyurko, O., Protsenko, A., Osadchenko, T., & Oliinyk, M. (2024). The Use of a Virtual Reality System in the Rehabilitation of Children with Progressive Muscular Dystrophies. Journal of the University of Zulia , 15(43), 359-376.