Methodology of Modern Theatrical Art in the Formation of an Actor’s Emotional Nature and Peculiarities of His or Her Stage Perception
In the majority of Russian cities a theater, a cultural space, which has taken the close attention of the wide audience in recent years, is located not far from the central square or directly on it. Theater can be attractive for people’s leisure activities, take central or peripheral position in the cultural life of a city, give successful and not quite successful performances, but it will definitely remain the place whose life is rather little known about. In this article the author tries to scientifically analyze and critically conceptualize the problematics of the methodology of modern theatrical art in the formation of an actor’s emotional nature and peculiarities of his or her stage perception. The aim of this research is to reveal and analyze the essence of an actor’s emotional nature conjugated into the modern epoch with the performative practices influencing the condition of traditional theater and personal status of an actor. The methodology of the research includes a systematic approach and a method of comparative analysis applied to the actor's nature of the artist, which developed by the XX century, which has now covered other professional spheres of a person, thus changing the value orientations of the actor's stage performance.
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