Public investment projects in infrastructure for the development of a nation

Keywords: Public investment, infrastructure, economic and social development, social systems, development projects


The objective of the research was to evaluate public investment projects in infrastructure for the development of a local government, 2015-2020. The method used was a qualitative approach of a basic type and phenomenological design, considering the participation of 7 local government workers, to whom an in-depth interview on the subject was applied. The results showed that public investment projects in infrastructure are extremely important because they benefit the population and solve problems. However, they are not carried out properly because there are problems in terms of planning and execution. It was concluded that it is necessary to optimize resources and promote public investment to bring improvements in social conditions. In addition, it is important that the government implement better control of the projects, since in this way it will be possible to follow the regulations and avoid problems when executing the works.


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Author Biographies

Nilsa Sifuentes Pinto, Universidad César Vallejo (UCV), Perú.

Docente. Universidad César Vallejo (UCV), Perú.

Aura Elisa Quiñones Li, Universidad César Vallejo (UCV), Perú.

Docente. Universidad César Vallejo (UCV), Perú. 

César Augusto Quiñones Vernazza, Universidad César Vallejo (UCV). Perú.

Docente. Universidad César Vallejo (UCV). Perú.


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How to Cite
Sifuentes Pinto, N., Quiñones Li, A. E., & Quiñones Vernazza, C. A. (2023). Public investment projects in infrastructure for the development of a nation. Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(41), 784-800.