The Presence of the Yumbo in the New Generation of Ecuadorian Composers
The current research aimed to evaluate the presence of the yumbo in the graduation works of
five composers who graduated in the first cohort of the Master's program in Musical Composition and Sonic Arts, at the University of the Arts in Guayaquil, Ecuador. To achieve this, the theory of topics was applied, specifically implementing the approaches proposed by Melanie Plesch and Juan Francisco Sans, with emphasis on the latter, who deviates from the most commonly used semiotic readings, to propose a more effective and practical functionality, freeing it from burdensome and ineffective encumbrances, and applying it according to latin american musical reality. The origins of the yumbo were described according to research by scholars such as Juan Mullo Sandoval and Terry Pazmiño Trotta, to assess, from a musical analysis and with the help of topicity indicators, the five selected works. Finally, from the analyst's receiver's point of view, it is demonstrated that the works have a medium-high topicity index, evidencing the presence and importance of the yumbo in the different works and instrumental formats addressed, which demonstrates the strength, diversity, wealth, and identity sense of contemporary ecuadorian musical creation.
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