Positive Psychology and the Teacher's Skills to Encourage the Mental Health of the University Student

Keywords: Psychology, Educational psychology, Mental health, University students


The article aims to highlight the value of positive psychology as a tool for teachers to encourage self-confidence and mental health of university students. The method used was the systematic review, which was given through a Prism diagram and an authorship table. In addition, the information was collected from indexed repository databases, such as: Scielo, Elsevier, Springer and Redalyc. The language, country and years of seniority were taken into consideration for the selection of the research papers. Positive Psychology influences favourably in the work of teachers, since they can play an optimal role in guiding and accompanying university students. It is recommended that teachers recognize their strengths, weaknesses and present a high level of emotional competencies, so that they can positively influence students and help them to achieve academic performance, together with optimal personal development, associated with mental health.


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How to Cite
Márquez Tirado, V. S. D., Córdova Flores, E. C., Vilela Ordinola, E. A., Escudero Vílchez, F. E., & Salazar Avalos, M. M. (2023). Positive Psychology and the Teacher’s Skills to Encourage the Mental Health of the University Student. Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(40), 465-485. https://doi.org/10.46925//rdluz.40.26