Metaphysical Portrait of Melitopol in the Symbolic Circle "Honey - Milk - Water" (The Problem of Symbolic Resources in Tourist Activities)

Keywords: Metaphysical portrait, palimpsest, spatial myth, symbolism, cultural place, philosophy of tourism, tourism, symbolic tourist resource, tourist legend


The purpose of the proposed research is to create a metaphysical portrait sketch of Melitopol in the symbolic circle "honey - milk - water" in the context of attracting symbolic resources problem in tourism. In an intensive way, and following the strengthening of homo viator phenomenon in the global world, research in the touristic field and philosophy of tourism are increasingly turning their attention to the "internal resource", including in this concept, in addition to natural and cultural- historical, also symbolic resource. The work uses such methods as dialectical and metaphysical, the principle of comprehensiveness of research, the general logical method, and other methods of scientific research. Tourist legend as an applied direction can become an effective marketing mechanism, as a result of which it is possible, using a symbolic resources variety and tools, to create humanitarian and social development perspectives, agreed and identified through analysis of mythological structures and conceptual shells for harmonious and effective development of these territories. In this aspect, tourism as one of the mass culture branches will produce tourist flows directed to previously elaborated territorial brands.


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How to Cite
Oleksenko, R., Bortnykov, Y., Kryvolapov, E., Bilohur, V., Kliuienko, E., & Radchenko, L. (2023). Metaphysical Portrait of Melitopol in the Symbolic Circle "Honey - Milk - Water" (The Problem of Symbolic Resources in Tourist Activities). Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(40), 205-221.

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