Innovative Strategies in agricultural production units: Knowledge in development of new services and value chains

Keywords: Agribusiness prospective, business sustainability, innovative strategies, value added


The world faces unavoidable challenges that force organizations to undertake actions that solve, mitigate and reverse problems arising from the lack of social, economic and environmental sustainability, with climate change being one of the most pressing. The implementation of new technologies would mean a costly transition, but fundamental and necessary to trace paths that help preserve the planet and the institutions of all kinds that exist in it. The research seeks to describe innovative strategies in agricultural production units as part of the knowledge in the development of new services and value chains. The innovation and adoption of new technologies in processes and consumption patterns will only be possible if companies manage to develop markets that provide in their value offer, the component of environmental  sustainability in a transversal way in all their activities. The findings show that the adoption of innovative strategies in agricultural production companies has been slow, so the accompaniment of government entities, civil society organizations, academia, research centers and others is crucial to address these problems and generate strategies to solve them.


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Author Biographies

Reynier Israel Ramírez Molina, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia.

Full Time Professor and Researcher of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Senior Researcher. Business Studies Department.

Manuela Valentina Pinzón Acosta, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia.

Student of the Business Management program and Member of the Human Talent Management Research Seedbed (SIGTH) of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Business Studies Department.

Keren Daniela Viloria De la Hoz, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia.

Student of the Business Management program and Member of the Human Talent Management Research Seedbed
(SIGTH) of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Business Studies Department.

Juan David Ríos Pérez, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia.

Professional in Finance and International Affairs and Member of the Administración Social Research Group and Human Talent Management Research Seedbed (SIGTH) of the Universidad de la Costa, Atlántico – Colombia. Business Studies Department. 

Nelson David Lay Raby, Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile. 

Full Time Professor, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar - Chile. 


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How to Cite
Ramírez Molina, R. I., Pinzón Acosta, M. V., Viloria De la Hoz, K. D., Ríos Pérez, J. D., & Lay Raby, N. D. (2022). Innovative Strategies in agricultural production units: Knowledge in development of new services and value chains. Journal of the University of Zulia , 14(39), 119-138.

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