Oral competence in higher education: A Systematic Review

Keywords: Spoken language, higher education, oral expression, learning, teaching


The objective of this systematic review is to know how oral competence is being developed at the higher level and what are the related problems that should be solved for the students' benefit; therefore, the study developed a PRISMA diagram, a table of authors and research, and a table of distribution of articles by repository; the scientific information was mainly retrieved from Scopus, Scielo and Elsevier, in a target period of three months. The process of identification and inclusion of information was developed with the collection of 37 articles. However, only 8 were included. The result was that teachers should prioritize activities where oral competence can be developed, since it is relevant for the professional life of students, especially because the current labor market is very competitive. In conclusion, the curricular inclusion of oral practices are important components in higher education, even though they are not considered at the time the subjects are taught, since it depends entirely on the curriculum of each institution.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Rosa Cuestas Robladillo, Universidad Privada César Vallejo, Perú.

Bachiller en Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad Guzmán y Valle. Maestra en Educación, con mención en Docencia y Gestión Educativa en la Universidad Privada César Vallejo, Perú.


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How to Cite
Cuestas Robladillo, B. R. (2022). Oral competence in higher education: A Systematic Review. Journal of the University of Zulia , 13(38), 609-625. https://doi.org/10.46925//rdluz.38.33