Rainwater quality in catchment prototypes in the native communities of Tunants and Yahuahua, Amazonas-Peru
The objective of the research was to determine the physicochemical and microbiological quality of the rainwater of the four catchment prototypes, installed in the native communities of Tunants and Yahuahua, in the department of Amazonas, Peru. Sampling points were established, two for each prototype (entry and exit); The evaluations were carried out in the months of February, September and October 2020. Parameters of pH, Turbidity, Total Coliforms (TC), Thermotolerant Coliforms (TrC), Aluminum (Al) and Zinc (Zn) were evaluated. The results showed values of pH 7.16; turbidity 1.58 NTU. These were lower than those established by the D.S. No. 031-2010-SA; Regarding the microbiological analyzes of CT and CF, values of 212.5 and 387.5 CFU / 100 ml were obtained that exceed the maximum permissible limits. It is concluded that the rainwater examined requires continuous boiling or disinfection with sodium hypochlorite or another disinfectant for consumption, in order to ensure the health of the population and avoid gastrointestinal problems.
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