Physical and sensory characterization of almonds from elite cacao plants (Theobroma cacao L.) in Bagua, Peru
The objective of the research work was to physically and sensorially characterize the cacao almonds (Theobroma cacao L.) of 20 elite plants on farms in the Copallín and La Peca districts in Bagua province, Peru. Physical (grain index, grain weight and cutting test) and sensory quality (basic and specific attributes) were determined. Moisture values of the almonds (6.5 to 7.7%) were obtained within acceptable values (less than 8%); the average grain index and grain weight indicated adequate agronomic management and use of genetic material; the bean index (1.20 to 1.80) in 18 elite cacao trees were commercial values. Sensorially, the basic attributes were accentuated in the Copallín almonds; while the floral, fruity and cocoa attributes were stood out in La Peca almonds. The studied almonds are suitable for obtaining fine aroma chocolate.
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