Rainforest Alliance certification as a competitive strategy for the Ecuadorian agricultural export sector

Keywords: International Trade, sustainable development, differentiation strategy, Rainforest Alliance


The transformations that international markets are undergoing are a constant that companies must face for their commercial expansion, testing their ability to respond and adapt to new scenarios. To comply with strict regulations and win the trust of consumers, exporters are adopting different types of certification as a strategy to manage sustainability in demanding markets. The objective of this work is to identify the influence of the Rainforest Alliance certification on the competitiveness of Ecuadorian exporting companies in the international market. The analysis focuses on various products in the agricultural sector. The analytical-synthetic theoretical method has been used to review articles in scientific journals and bibliographic documents of official institutions. Among the main results, it stands out that this
certification contributes significantly to the protection of the environment, equity and the economic viability of the company. It is concluded that by applying this environmental seal, benefits are obtained in the farms or companies by increasing production, allowing access to new markets.


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Author Biographies

Henry Junior Moncada Roblez, Universidad Técnica de Machala

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.

Jonella Abigail Guzmán Armijos, Universidad Técnica de Machala

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.

Mayiya Lisbeth González Illescas, Universidad Técnica de Machala

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.

Sandra Sayonara Solorzano Solórzano, Universidad Técnica de Machala

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Moncada Roblez, H. J., Guzmán Armijos, J. A., González Illescas, M. L., & Solorzano Solórzano, S. S. (2022). Rainforest Alliance certification as a competitive strategy for the Ecuadorian agricultural export sector. Journal of the University of Zulia , 13(36), 7-27. https://doi.org/10.46925//rdluz.36.02