A Comparative Study of Hobbes and Nizam Al Mulk Tusi on the Idea of Authoritarian State

  • Mehdi Masoudi Ashtiyani Islamic Azad University
  • Maghsood Ranjbar Islamic Azad University of Qom Branch
  • Darab Foolady Islamic Azad University of Ashtiyan Branch
Keywords: Authoritarian State, ruler, Thomas Hobbes, Khajeh Niza Al Mulk


Man is a social being that always needs the contribution and help of other humans for survival. On the other hand, due to the difference of opinions, tastes, interests and objectives, they have conflicts with each other. Then, they assault each other in order to protect their personal interests and sometimes this hostility endangers the existence and health of the person and in some cases the survival of the society. This is why we need some laws to guard the society and ensure the survival of mankind and protect the rights of all individuals. These laws will put an end to the conflicts and differences and this is of course possible within a framework. Accordingly, given the importance and place of the problem of governance and its related issues including the ruler, people and law, as the most important concern of the political thinkers, the current essay seeks to study the political thought of Khajeh Nizam Al Mulk Tusi and Hobbes and the foundations of their poltical ideas and compare the place of the ruler, people and law in the political thought of these philosophers.


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Author Biographies

Mehdi Masoudi Ashtiyani , Islamic Azad University

Ph.D, Department of Political Science - Political Thought, Ashtiyan Branch , Islamic Azad University, Ashtiyan, Iran.

Maghsood Ranjbar, Islamic Azad University of Qom Branch

Faculty of Islamic Azad University of Qom Branch, Qom, Iran.

Darab Foolady, Islamic Azad University of Ashtiyan Branch

Faculty of Islamic Azad University of Ashtiyan Branch, Ashtiyan, Iran .


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How to Cite
Ashtiyani , M. M., Ranjbar, M., & Foolady, D. (2021). A Comparative Study of Hobbes and Nizam Al Mulk Tusi on the Idea of Authoritarian State. Journal of the University of Zulia , 12(35), 550-571. https://doi.org/10.46925//rdluz.35.32