Ethical dimension as a limit of what is technically possible. The challenges of humanizing education
This article analyzes the limits of the techniques used for the production of goods and services; for this reason, it raises co-responsibility as an ethical principle capable of adequately relating those who make up the culture. In this sense, the main objective is to link the ethical dimension to the generation of goods that society deserves without violating the continuity of life as a possibility. Therefore, it involves social actions in front of nature and community. Thus, the purpose is to condition social actions to the responsibility that human beings deserve. The results underline the need to regulate coexistence in such a way that the solidary disposition allows consensus so that the confluences occur in such a way that they are in harmony with the condition of dignity inherent in existence. In turn, the necessary education provides the strategies and methods to humanize the mediations of the communities in favor of recognizing the dimensions and contingencies of human reason, weaving coexistence; it is about forging
sensible reason as a foundation for new knowledge. The research method used is bibliographic from the deductive rationalist approach.
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