Epistemic challenges of the Social Sciences: social mobility, territoriality and power
The fundamental objective of this analysis is the recognition and legitimation of ancestral practices of territorial knowledge as part of the overwhelming epistemic challenges of the Social Sciences, in order to claim places, territoriality and social mobility as an exercise conducive to decolonization of social knowledge. It is intended to reveal that the forms of occupation of space by man and the organization of him in society have emerged from the hegemonic practices of modernity. The principle of territoriality that emerges from the different manifestations of power has a very notable impact on the construction of knowledge. In this sense, the categories of social mobility, territoriality, knowledge and power are studied, in the Latin American context, to identify their historical complexity. The approach to the political-historical conflict is analyzed from the epistemic position of Eurocentrism. In this way, the sociocultural determinations of territorial knowledge are made visible as dynamics in conflict, between resistance and local powers that generate a contrast of the epistemic diversity of territoriality and the sense of social mobility, as a need for a subordinate knowledge.
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