Expectations and attitudes towards the COVID-19 of nursing students at a peruvian public university
Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study, whose objective was to describe the expectations and attitudes towards COVID-19, of the nursing students of the Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza University (UNTRM) Amazonas - Peru. The instrument was applied virtually to 182 students, using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. Results: If they became ill, only 29.1% would be cared for in a hospital; 94.0% would apply the vaccine. 78.0% feel psychologically prepared to perform in the profession and 90.1% are willing to care for patients, despite not having good working conditions. Regarding expectations, 56.6% consider that this virus is here to stay; 89.6% would work in the healthcare area, although 20.9% consider that their expectations regarding the post-COVID-19 period are uncertain, insecure, and discouraging; the probability of a good job expectation is approximately 4 times more, so 98.9% want to continue studying Nursing.
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