Motivation as an agent in the formation of a gastronomic cluster of SMEs and their business growth

Keywords: Gastronomic cluster; SMEs; business competitiveness; business growth


The objective of the research was to determine the advantages and benefits for motivation and entrepreneurship offered by a gastronomic cluster of SMEs for the significant improvement of their business growth in the Lambayeque Region, Peru. It had a population of 90 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The sample is separated into 02 groups, the experimental (25) and the control group (20). Our research is of an applied type, with a descriptive, cross-sectional and quasi-experimental design, using the survey technique as the instrument for collecting information, with questionnaires in its two phases, pretest and posttest. The results obtained through the non-parametric Student's “T” test, to assess whether the two groups differ significantly from each other with respect to their arithmetic means; the difference of means is -15,360 which is between the limits of the confidence interval; Likewise, the statistic t = -25.978, together with its significance level, value p = 0.00 which is less than its significance level 0.025, allows us to accept the study hypothesis. Similarly, the T-Student test for independent samples in the post-test for both groups also indicates accepting the hypothesis. On the other hand, the statistics of the level of business growth of SMEs, in the experimental group, showing an average of 19.72 in the pretest, and a significant improvement in the posttest, increasing to an arithmetic mean of 35.08. In conclusion, the cases shown in this research indicate that a gastronomic cluster of SMEs significantly improves its business growth in the Lambayeque region, Peru.


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Author Biographies

Huber Rodríguez Nomura, Señor de Sipán University, Chiclayo, Peru

Rector of the Señor de Sipán University, Chiclayo, Peru

Carlos Rodríguez Benites , Academic Department of Physics, National University of Trujillo, Trujillo, Peru

Professor. Academic Department of Physics, National University of Trujillo, Trujillo, Peru

Erick Salazar Montoya , Señor de Sipán University, Chiclayo, Peru

Teacher. Señor de Sipán University, Chiclayo, Peru

José A. Rodríguez Kong , Señor de Sipán University, Chiclayo, Peru.

Teacher. Señor de Sipán University, Chiclayo, Peru.

Marcial Vásquez Arteaga , Lord of Sipán University, Perú

Professor. Lord of Sipán University, Perú


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Nomura, H., Rodríguez Benites , C., Salazar Montoya , E., Rodríguez Kong , J. A., & Vásquez Arteaga , M. (2021). Motivation as an agent in the formation of a gastronomic cluster of SMEs and their business growth. Journal of the University of Zulia , 12(33), 149-164.