Comments about the relationship between Science and Faith in the Magisterium of the Church

Keywords: Church; Science; Faith; Philosophy


The Journal of the University of Zulia begins its Number 33 with a text in which the relationship between Science and Faith in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church is analyzed. The analysis is based on the position of the Vatican Councils I and II on the importance of Faith and Reason for man, in his search for truth; simultaneously, the orientations of popes Leo XIII and John Paul II were taken into account, in their Encyclicals Aeterni Patris and Fides et Ratio, respectively; some speeches by Popes Paul VI, Benedict XVI and Francis before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences were also analyzed. The Church has sought - from the First Vatican Council to the present - to bring, harmonize and complement the relationship between Faith and Reason; her interest is not limited to promoting scientific research; She also aspires that knowledge be ordered to the welfare of the human being, and the horizon of faith is recognized in the search for truth.


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Author Biography

Reyber Parra Contreras, University of Zulia

Professor at the University of Zulia. Editor of the Journal of the University of Zulia and Latin American Journal of Scientific Diffusion


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Juan Pablo II (septiembre 14, 1998). Carta Encíclica Fides et Ratio. Edición de la Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta, Colección Documentos del Magisterio, 2. Maracaibo (Venezuela), 2005.

León XIII (agosto 4, 1879). Encíclica Aeterni Patris.

Pablo VI (abril 23, 1966). Discurso a la Pontificia Academia de las Ciencias. Revista Espíritu. Vol. 15, 79-84. En: file:///E:/Descargas/DialnetDiscursoDePabloVIALaPontificiaAcademiaDeCiencias7513581%20(2).pdf

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How to Cite
Parra Contreras, R. (2021). Comments about the relationship between Science and Faith in the Magisterium of the Church. Journal of the University of Zulia , 12(33), 3-8.