Convolutional neural network using VHDL to train an object classifier on an image

Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network; FPGA; Python; SoC; VHDL


The objective of the present work was to implement a convolutional neural network in hardware using VHDL. Regarding its design, it was experimental, the research begins with the design of a convolutional neural network in Software using Python, where Tensorflow and Keras were used. This design required a 6-epoch training to exceed 90% accuracy when classifying the images from the MNITS dataset. From this design, the parameters and hyperparameters, necessary for hardware design, are obtained. For the implementation of the algorithm in hardware, it was necessary to know the mathematical operation of the convolution, maxpooling and neural network operations, since in the software these operations are summarized in a line of code. Each of these operations was implemented in different blocks, following the modular approach. The response obtained in the hardware is displayed on a screen using the internal communication of the board between the ARM and the FPGA. This response obtained in hardware is similar to that obtained in software and the time in software is much longer than in hardware. The FPGA-based SoC platform, De-10 Nano, was used for this research.


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Author Biographies

Cesar Arturo Niño Carmonal, Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú

Docente Asociado. Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú. 

Manuel Jesús Sánchez-Chero, Universidad Nacional de Frontera
Docente Investigador. Universidad Nacional de Frontera.  Perú.
Emanuel Ortiz Ortiz, Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Bachiller. Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Juan Carlos Sernaque Julca, Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Bachiller. Universidad Nacional de Piura. Perú.

Cecilia Lizeth Risco Ipanaqué, Universidad Nacional de Frontera. Perú
Jefa (E) de la Unidad de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación. Universidad Nacional de Frontera. Perú.


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How to Cite
Niño Carmonal, C. A., Sánchez-Chero, M. J., Ortiz Ortiz, E., Sernaque Julca, J. C., & Risco Ipanaqué, C. L. (2021). Convolutional neural network using VHDL to train an object classifier on an image. Journal of the University of Zulia , 12(32), 240-260.