Comprehensive management of solid waste to improve public health in the José Leonardo Ortiz district, Chiclayo, 2019

Keywords: Solid waste; public health; management plan; environmental pollution


The purpose of the research was to develop a comprehensive solid waste management plan to improve public health in the Leonardo Ortiz District, Chiclayo. It was framed in the descriptive type and with design, not experimental. The population was made up of the residents of the José Leonardo Ortiz district, in the department of Lambayeque, Peru. According to information from the last census carried out in this district in 2017, it had a projection to 2019 of 201,500 inhabitants. The simple random probabilistic was used as a sampling technique, obtaining a sample size of 383 inhabitants. The survey and the interview were the techniques used to collect information. To determine the level of reliability of the questionnaire instrument, the Cronbach's Alpha statistical technique was applied, yielding a reliability of 0.8127. The results found through the information collected, show a very critical problem regarding the integral management of solid waste that worsens the public health of the inhabitants of this district. This situation is presented by the great environmental contamination, product of the solid waste that accumulates in the different streets and avenues; due to poor management by the officials in charge of this commune. There is no adequate planning and coordination between the different sectors involved, such as the municipality itself, the Lambayeque Regional Health Government, health posts, educational institutions and the general population. All this problematic situation, causes that the public health in the district, is a great problem that affects the population of said district. Finally, the Chi-square test showed that public health depends on how the solid waste collection management process is presented in the district.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Elvira Rosas-Prado, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú.

Docente Investigadora. Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú.

Max Fernando Urbina Cárdenas, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú

Profesor Principal. Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú. 

Hugo Redib Espinoza Rodríguez, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú

Profesor asociado. Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú. 

Carla Angélica Reyes Reyes, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú
Docente. Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Perú. ORCID:


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How to Cite
Rosas-Prado, C. E., Urbina Cárdenas, M. F., Espinoza Rodríguez, H. R., & Reyes Reyes, C. A. (2021). Comprehensive management of solid waste to improve public health in the José Leonardo Ortiz district, Chiclayo, 2019. Journal of the University of Zulia , 12(32), 175-189.