Inactivity of public authority as a subject of land dispute in administrative legal proceedings //Inactividad de la autoridad pública como tema de disputa territorial en procedimientos legales administrativos

Keywords: administrative justice, administrative legal proceedings, public land dispute, inactivity of public authority



In recent years, conflicts in land relations between citizens and government have been increasingly occurring in Ukraine. On the one hand, citizens are striving to realize their right to receive a land plot free of charge, on the other hand, authorities are trying to ignore the corresponding statements of citizens. The purpose of this research is to formulate a legal position concerning the inactivity of authorities in relations arising from the initiative of citizens regarding granting them permission for the development of a land management plan with the subsequent transfer of a land plot into ownership, as well as to determine the optimal way to protect the violated rights of citizens as a result of unlawful inactivity of public authorities. The study has been characterization and identification of peculiarities of application of the principle of tacit consent in land permission relations; indicated ways of protecting the rights of an individual as a result of unlawful inactivity of a powerful subject; established nature of the discretionary powers of the competent authorities. The importance and value of research are complex in nature and is revealed in its social significance since it consists in publication and raising problematic issues in the land sphere for public discussion; the economic value is manifested in helping to resolve real estate ownership problems; legal significance consists in determining perspective directions of legal and regulatory improvement of land relations; the applied value which is manifested in the promotion of the activities of local self-government bodies and administrative justice.


En los últimos años, los conflictos en las relaciones territoriales entre los ciudadanos y el gobierno se han producido cada vez más en Ucrania. Por un lado, los ciudadanos se esfuerzan por hacer efectivo su derecho a recibir una parcela de tierra de forma gratuita; por otro lado, las autoridades están tratando de ignorar las correspondientes declaraciones de los ciudadanos. El propósito de esta investigación es formular una posición jurídica sobre la inactividad de las autoridades en las relaciones derivadas de la iniciativa de los ciudadanos de otorgarles el permiso para el desarrollo de un plan de ordenamiento territorial con la posterior transferencia de una parcela a la propiedad, así como determinar la forma óptima de proteger los derechos vulnerados de los ciudadanos como consecuencia de la inactividad ilícita de los poderes públicos. El estudio ha consistido en la caracterización e identificación de peculiaridades de la aplicación del principio de consentimiento tácito en las relaciones de permisos de tierras; indica formas de proteger los derechos de un individuo como resultado de la inactividad ilegal de un sujeto poderoso; establece el carácter de las facultades discrecionales de las autoridades competentes. La importancia y el valor de la investigación son de naturaleza compleja y se manifiesta en su trascendencia social, ya que consiste en publicar y plantear cuestiones problemáticas en el ámbito territorial para la discusión pública; el valor económico se manifiesta al ayudar a resolver los problemas de propiedad inmobiliaria; el significado legal consiste en determinar direcciones de perspectiva de mejora legal y regulatoria de las relaciones territoriales; el valor aplicado, que se manifiesta en la promoción de las actividades de los órganos de autogobierno local y la justicia administrativa.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Pyvovar, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Oksana Kuzmenko, Department of Theory and History of Law, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Law, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
Pavlo Liutikov, Department of Administrative and Customs Law of University of Customs and Finance, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor. Head of the Department of Administrative and Customs Law of University of Customs and Finance, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Margaryta Liutikova, Department of Administrative and Business Law of Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
PhD in Law, Doctoral student at the Department of Administrative and Business Law of Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Serhiy Kuvakin, Department of Administrative and Customs Law, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Department of Administrative and Customs Law, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Pyvovar, I., Kuzmenko, O., Liutikov, P., Liutikova, M., & Kuvakin, S. (2020). Inactivity of public authority as a subject of land dispute in administrative legal proceedings //Inactividad de la autoridad pública como tema de disputa territorial en procedimientos legales administrativos. Journal of the University of Zulia , 11(31), 360-375.