Comparative floral and pollen morphology of some invasive and native impatiens species

  • Yulia Konstantinovna Vinogradova Chief researcher Flora Department, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
  • Alla Georgievna Kuklina Flora Department, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow, Russia)
  • Ekaterina Vasilyevna Tkacheva Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (11/11 Znamenka street, 119991, (Moscow, Russia)
  • Andrey Sergeevich Ryabchenko Candidate of biological Sciences, Senior researcher Laboratory of physilogy and immunity of plants, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
  • Maksim Igorevich Khomutovskiy Department of Geobotany, Biology Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).
  • Olga Vladimirovna Shelepova Laboratory of physilogy and immunity of plants, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Keywords: Impatiens, alien species, invasion, floral biology


To evaluate the hypothesis of competitive superiority of invasive species, we compared the invasive Impatiens parviflora DC. and I. Glandulifera royle, the naturalized I. Nevskii pobed. and the native I. Noli-tangere L. in the flowers’ morphometric characters at different phases of anthesis. The characters in which alien species have a competitive superiority over closely related I. Noli-tangere are revealed. Morphological variability was studied by morphometric observations of the following characters: bud: length and diameter; spurred sepal: length and width; spur: length and diameter; lateral sepal: length and width; largest petal: length and death; large lobe of lateral petal: length and width; small lobe of lateral petal: length and width; anther: length; stamen’s filament: length; calyptra: length and width; ovary: length and diameter; length of a style, length of a stigma. There is a tendency for alien Impatiens species of the earlier development of androecium and gynoecium: сaliptra is formed at the stage of uncolored bud, the pistil is differentiated in ovary, short style and stigma is formed at the stage of colored bud. No other flowers’ morphometric characters, representing competitive advantage of the invasive I. Glandulifera and I. Parviflora over the native I. Noli-tangere and naturalized I. Nevskii were identified.


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Author Biographies

Yulia Konstantinovna Vinogradova, Chief researcher Flora Department, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Doctor of biological Sciences, Chief researcher Flora Department, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Alla Georgievna Kuklina, Flora Department, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow, Russia)
Candidate of biological Sciences, Senior researcher Flora Department, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow, Russia)
Ekaterina Vasilyevna Tkacheva, Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (11/11 Znamenka street, 119991, (Moscow, Russia)
Candidate of biological Sciences, Senior researcher Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (11/11 Znamenka street, 119991, (Moscow, Russia)
Andrey Sergeevich Ryabchenko, Candidate of biological Sciences, Senior researcher Laboratory of physilogy and immunity of plants, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Laboratory of physilogy and immunity of plants, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Maksim Igorevich Khomutovskiy, Department of Geobotany, Biology Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).
Candidate of biological Sciences, Senior researcher Laboratory of Landscape Architecture, Tsytsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)//Candidate of biological Sciences, Leading researcher Department of Geobotany, Biology Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).
Olga Vladimirovna Shelepova, Laboratory of physilogy and immunity of plants, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Candidate of biological Sciences, Senior researcher Laboratory of physilogy and immunity of plants, Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
Vinogradova, Y. K., Kuklina, A. G., Tkacheva, E. V., Ryabchenko, A. S., Khomutovskiy, M. I., & Shelepova, O. V. (2020). Comparative floral and pollen morphology of some invasive and native impatiens species. Journal of the University of Zulia , 11(30), 315-335. Retrieved from