Peer review and editorial process

Once the editor and the Editorial Committee receive the article, the author will be confirmed immediately so that they can monitor the process. The article will be received through the journal OJS page or by email: The article will be reviewed or evaluated and published in three phases or moments:

PHASE 1: Internal review or pre-review, within a period of one (1) week. The correspondence between citations and references will be verified, the thematic compatibility of the article with the disciplinary blocks of the magazine, as well as the control and verification of plagiarism through a software on the Web, called Plag. The author will be informed of the acceptance or rejection to continue in the arbitration process.

PHASE 2: External review, within a period of six (6) weeks, by including two peers external to the University of Zulia (national or international), as evaluators of the article under the double blind modality, and in case of disagreement In the evaluation, a third evaluator will be assigned to settle disagreements. These specialists will make observations and will issue a concept in terms of: (a) Accepted for publication, (b) Accepted after compliance with corrections, or (c) Not accepted for publication.

The following criteria are taken into account in the arbitration process: a) Mastery of evidenced knowledge; b) Scientific rigor; c) Theoretical and methodological foundation; d) Updating and relevance of the sources consulted; e) Contributions to existing knowledge.

The format that reviewers use to evaluate articles includes two main parameters: formal or presentation criteria and content criteria, which will be evaluated on a scale that expresses the values: EXCELLENT, VERY GOOD, GOOD, REGULAR, DEFICIENT.

Formal or presentation criteria: 1) Originality, relevance and adequate extension of the title; 2) Clarity and coherence of the discourse; 3) Adequate preparation of the summary: Objective, methodology, results and keywords; 4) Internal organization of the text.

Content criteria: 1) Knowledge domain evidenced; 2) Scientific rigor; 3) Theoretical and methodological foundation; 4) Updating and relevance of the sources consulted; 5) Contributions to existing knowledge.

Once the article has been refereed, the publication concept will be announced through an email to the contact author (s). If adjustments to the article are required (Accepted after completing corrections), the author (s) will have a maximum period of 10 days to make the adjustments (this period is part of the 6 weeks Phase 2), and they must send a new version of the document and a letter responding to each of the suggestions / observations issued by the evaluators. It is the responsibility of the authors to comply with all the suggestions and recommendations sent; If there are disagreements, they should inform and argue their position. The publisher decides if the modified article is sent again to the same peer reviewers assigned to request their final endorsement. Once the comments, concepts or corrections have been received, the editor, together with the Editorial Committee, makes the final decision of Accepted for Publication or Not Accepted, as appropriate.

If the article is Accepted for publication (without corrections or minimal corrections), the authors must comply with the delivery of: (a) a letter stating that the suggestions reported by the evaluators, if any, were included; (b) the final versions of the article in Spanish or English, according to the preference of the authors; (c) an authorization to the Editorial Committee of the journal for the reproduction of text with authors' signatures; and (d) the identification data of the authors for the respective journal database (ORCID code, full names and email).

In any case, the editor and the Editorial Committee reserve the right to accept or not the articles. The rejected articles (not accepted for publication) will be notified to their authors via email. Acceptance of the article for publication implies the transfer of the rights of reproduction and disclosure by any means to the University of Zulia as the journal publishing institution.

PHASE 3: Once the article is accepted, the final editing and layout process begins, in three (3) weeks, work that is carried out with the support of the Library Services of the University of Zulia (SERBILUZ), through the following process: (a) submission by the publisher of the material accepted for publication, (b) style correction in Spanish and / or English when required, (c) sending the publisher of the material with corrections to be sent to the authors, (d) submission to the publisher by the authors of the verified material and with suggestions, so that it can be sent back to the publisher, (e) layout, layout of the material that is also sent to the authors by the publisher; DOI assignment, and (f) publication of the material in printed and electronic format on the RevicyhLUZ platform.