Keywords: Process approach, Input, Process activities, Resources, Controls, Output


The objective of there search was to characterize the process approach in the operations of the logistics services management of Petróleos de Venezuela. The study was descriptive, with a non-experimental, transectional and field design. The population was made up of the management of Venezuelan oil logistics services on the Eastern coast of the Lake. For data collection, the survey technique was applied, with a questionnaire containing 16 items. Validation was carried out through the judgment of 5 experts, and reliability was calculated through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, obtaining 0.94, placingit at very high reliability. The results showed high compliance with the process approach in the managements studied, given by very high compliance in the input indicators, process activities, resources, controls and output, representing a strength for management.


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Author Biographies

Calixto Hernández Gil, The University of Zulia

Economist. Certified Public Accountant. Master in Business Management with a major in Financial Management. Doctor of Social Sciences with a major in Management. Dean of the Costa Oriental del Lago Nucleus of the University of Zulia.

Wuilliams Nava Quintero, The University of Zulia

Petroleum Engineer, Master in Operations Management. University of Zulia. Eastern Coast of the Lake.


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How to Cite
Hernández Gil, C., & Nava Quintero, W. (2024). PROCESS APPROACH IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE LOGISTICS SERVICES MANAGEMENTS OF VENEZUELA PETROLEUM. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 23(2), 84-97. Retrieved from