Keywords: Etiology, Epidemiology, Occupational health


The main objective of this research was to characterize the etiology present in the staff of an Urban Ambulatory type III in Cabimas city, where there is a problem in terms of risk management for health personnel who are constantly exposed to occupational dangers. In this sense, the different theories related to etiology and morbidity, proposed by the authors Pinto, Andrade and Ferreira (2017), Marcano (2014) and Verasmende (2008), their application and legal consideration were consulted. The following study is located in the scientific modality, field design, descriptive, non-experimental, transactional, the technique for data collection was direct observation, interviews and documentary review, qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques, similar as methodological techniques and tools to be applied, the questionnaires applied to 25 respondents were used, the validity of the instrument shown through expert judgment. The results obtained through the instruments were analyzed and reflected in percentage graphs, which in their significant majority represent a refusal of the questions, this being the predominant level is currently limited that there is no adequate security management to the needs of the center Therefore, actions must be taken to improve working conditions and create an environment suitable for the development of workers in their work areas.


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Author Biography

María Jiménez Perozzi, The University of Zulia

Industrial Engineer (IUPSM – C.O.L. Extension), Public Accountant (LUZ - C.O.L Core), Mgs. Human Resources Management (UNERMB). Doctorate in Management Sciences (UNEFM)


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How to Cite
Jiménez Perozzi, M. (2024). ETIOLOGY PRESENT IN THE STAFF OF AN URBAN AMBULATORY TYPE III IN CABIMAS CITY. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 21(2), 110-122. Retrieved from