• Leída Leída University of La Guajira
  • Emilia Mendoza Cataño University of La Guajira
  • Ángela Sierra Parody University of La Guajira
Keywords: Productivity, Organizational, Companies


The objective of the study was to determine the formation of human talent in the service companies of the Carboniferous Complex Cerrejón LCC. Methodologically it was of a descriptive type, with a non-experimental, transectional design. As a population, the three (03) service companies were considered, with 78 reporting units. The technique of data collection was the interview and as a tool a structured questionnaire was applied, validated by (05) experts and determined its reliability through the Alpha Cronbach coefficient with a result of 0.83. The results determined that human development components and training policies are sometimes examined. Finally, it is concluded that all the effects produced by the formation of human talent; causes moderate changes in the performance of the personnel of the companies studied.


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Author Biographies

Leída Leída, University of La Guajira

Magister Scientiarum in Human Resources Management, University of La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA).

Emilia Mendoza Cataño, University of La Guajira

Doctor in Management Sciences, University of La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA).

Ángela Sierra Parody, University of La Guajira

Magister Scientiarum in Education, University of La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA).


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How to Cite
Leída, L., Mendoza Cataño, E., & Sierra Parody, Ángela. (2024). TRAINING OF HUMAN TALENT IN COMPANIES OF SERVICES OF CARBONIFERO COMPLEX CERREJON LCC. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 18(2), 169-200. Retrieved from