• Derber Soto Rodríguez University of La Guajira
  • Jaime Alario Daza University of La Guajira
  • Dagoberto Cuello Cuello University of La Guajira
Keywords: Occupational risk, Severity of risk, Social enterprise


The objective of the study was to analyze the existing labor risks in the social enterprise of the State Hospital Nuestra Señora del Pilar. Methodologically, the study was of a descriptive type, with a non-experimental transversal field design. The population was formed by the employees of the institution with a total of 210 reporting units. The data was collected through the application of a structured questionnaire type instrument with a Likert type scale. The results allowed to determine that the personnel of the company of the state Hospital Nuestra Señora del Pilar is in a high level of exposure to occupational risks. It is concluded that exposure to various ocupacional hazards is marked and must be controlled; with the purpose of reducing the incidents, accidents and vulnerabilities associated with the provision of the health service.


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Author Biographies

Derber Soto Rodríguez, University of La Guajira

Magister Scientiarum in Financial Management, University of La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA).

Jaime Alario Daza, University of La Guajira

Magister Scientiarum in Business Management, University of La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA).

Dagoberto Cuello Cuello, University of La Guajira

Specialization in Public Management. National Institute of Vocational Technical Training (INFOTEP).


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How to Cite
Soto Rodríguez, D., Alario Daza, J., & Cuello Cuello, D. (2024). EXISTING LABOR RISKS IN THE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE OF THE STATE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL PILAR HOSPITAL. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 18(2), 117-139. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/rafg/article/view/41575