• Juan Coronado Palma Territorial Polytechnic University of Zulia
  • William A. Argüello Montilla Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)
  • Mayelis J. Vicuña Medina Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)
Keywords: Methodology, Maintenance needs, Operational reliability, Autobus units


The general objective of this article was to prepare a methodological proposal to determine the specific maintenance needs of the bus fleet. Polytechnic Territorial University of Zulia (UPTZ). To optimize maintenance activity. The study was analyzed in light of the Operational Reliability approach, proposed by Durán (2000); Theoretical methodological maintenance postulates, proposed by: Aladon Ltd (1999); Díaz (2001); Pirela (2010), among others. The methodological-technical strategy, through which the information was made viable, was exploratory - descriptive, with bibliographic and field designs. The population of interest was made up of 23 subjects responsible for maintaining the units. The information was obtained through a structured questionnaire consisting of 12 items related to the variable and indicators explored. The validity of the instrument content was obtained by judging independent criteria of a panel of 3 experts; the reliability of the data was obtained using the Alfpha Cronbach calculation; which was 0.91; Allowing to build the body of conclusions, according to the order of the objectives set out in the study, the deductions of the researchers were among others; that in the UPTZ, the plan is carried out in a discontinuous way in the long term, the inspections do not determine the type of maintenance required by the self-service units, nor the ways to maintain and improve the transport capacity are suggested, the technical analysis is not carried out


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Author Biographies

Juan Coronado Palma, Territorial Polytechnic University of Zulia

Doctorate in education. McS. in Business Management, mention in Operations. Industrial Agro Engineer. Professor and researcher at UPTZ.

William A. Argüello Montilla, Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)

Postdoctoral in educational sciences. Postdoctoral specialization in educational psychology. Dr. in Education. McS. in Financial Management. Atty. in Education, mention in Mathematics and Physics. Economist. Atty. in Administration, mention in Industry Management. TSU in hydrocarbons, mention Petroleum. Research professor at UNERM.

Mayelis J. Vicuña Medina, Rafael María Baralt” National Experimental University (UNERMB)

Postdoctoral fellow in American and Caribbean Educational Philosophy. PhD in Education. Master in Direction. Lawyer. Professor and Researcher at UNERMB.


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How to Cite
Coronado Palma, J., Argüello Montilla, W. A., & Vicuña Medina, M. J. (2024). METHODOLOGY BASED ON OPERATIONAL RELIABILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF POLYTECHNIC TERRITORIAL UNIVERSITY OF ZULIA (UPTZ) STUDENT TRANSPORTATION UNITS. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 18(1), 48-72. Retrieved from