Depression and suicide, the other silent pandemic: semiotic analysis of the short film «Estoy bien»
Depression and suicide, the other silent pandemic: semiotic analysis of the short film «Estoy bien»
The article analyzes the semiotic elements of the film “I'm Fine” (2018) by filmmaker Anishell Freundt. The method was based on an original and well-founded interpretation of the short film, considering the film and cinematographic codes proposed by May (1970), Barthes (1970), Bordwell (1990), Sulbarán (2000), Cassetti and DiChio (2007) and Eco (2015). The short film was identified, analyzed and broken down into units in order to establish the exposed semiotic functions, compare the meanings and hypotheses about potential semiotic conflicts, and thus be able to identify the elemental and systemic (or praxeological) meanings present in the film. interpretation, which will contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms that govern the production and the relationship with the theme presented by the filmmaker.
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