Digital journalism: a challenge for up-to-date journalists

  • Marcelo Criollo Burbano Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi
Keywords: Digital journalism, communication, multimedia narratives, relevance


This article analyzes the relevance of improving knowledge in digital journalism in journalism and social communication professionals. To this end, some ideas on digital journalism are addressed and surveys developed by the Journalism Career of the University of Cuenca are examined considering aspects such as transmedia narratives, relevance, democratization of information, local journalism, alternative media and counterdiscourses. The proposal theoretically analyzes the possibilities, limitations and challenges offered by the digitization of journalism. To conclude, it is argued about the path of significant possibilities present in the digital sphere, the challenges and needs of professionals in the area who demand improvements and advances in the training of updated journalists.


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How to Cite
Criollo Burbano, M. (2023). Digital journalism: a challenge for up-to-date journalists. Quórum Académico, 20(2), 61-77. Retrieved from