Political communication as a space of enunciation: lucubrations derived from testing in a local government

Political communication as a space of enunciation: lucubrations derived from testing in a local government

  • Steven Bermúdez Antúnez Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Enunciation, political communication, local government, western democracy, political discourse


This article shows, from my point of view, political communication
as an enthusiastic field of current sociopolitical enunciation. For this
purpose, it reflects on its role in western democracies, the basic types
of communication it operates from and the characteristics they entail.
All this passed through the filter of an experience deployed in a local
government in Venezuela. Lastly, I conclude that it is necessary to build
another type of political communication (challenging). The challenging
political communication would have as its center of the contributions
established by other fields, but find the semiodiscurse channels with
which to build the understanding of our "problematic nuclei".


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Author Biography

Steven Bermúdez Antúnez, Universidad del Zulia

Profesor e investigador titular de la Universidad del Zulia, Doctor en Ciencias del Lenguaje y la
Literatura por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. PEII C (máximo nivel) por el Ministerio
del Poder Popular para la Ciencia, la Tecnología e Innovación. Premio Regional de Periodismo
Alternativo 2017 y Premio Regional de Periodismo de Investigación 2019. Email: sbermudez37@


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How to Cite
Bermúdez Antúnez, S. (2022). Political communication as a space of enunciation: lucubrations derived from testing in a local government: Political communication as a space of enunciation: lucubrations derived from testing in a local government. Quórum Académico, 19(2), 14-34. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/quorum/article/view/39110