Media corruption scandals and corporate listening: The Tissue Paper Case in Chile

Francisco Javier Tagle Montt y Cecilia Claro Montes

  • Francisco Javier r Tagle Montt Universidad de los Andes
Keywords: Business listening, media scandal, Tissue Paper Case, Chile


The objective of this research was to analyze the frameworks with which
the main economic newspapers in Chile covered and monitored the
news of the Tissue Paper business scandal, and whether these promoted
companies to make their listening known to the public. Using the theory
of framing and its methodological application through content analysis,
the results of this research were that newspapers promoted frames
intended to explain and define the scandal. On the other hand, there were
spaces for companies to publicize remedial measures. If the management
establishes that companies listen to their audiences, the media serve this
objective, although with their own media logics.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier r Tagle Montt, Universidad de los Andes

Profesor investigador de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Doctor
en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Correo:


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How to Cite
r Tagle Montt, F. J. (2021). Media corruption scandals and corporate listening: The Tissue Paper Case in Chile: Francisco Javier Tagle Montt y Cecilia Claro Montes. Quórum Académico, 18(2), 59-78. Retrieved from