Continuity of ethno-folklore tradition in modern prose
Palabras clave:
Folklore tradition, Connection of folklore and literature, Motive (theme), Folklore and ethnographic plot, Genetic connection.
The scientific article is devoted to the connection between folklore and literature. The interrelation of literature and folklore is a complex process. The authors determine the folklore basis of the writer's skill through the analysis of the historical actuality/authenticity of plots and genres, their significance in the life of the people, cognitive and educational value. The analysis of folklore and ethnographic plots in works of art defines the importance of various traditions and customs, beliefs and omens, the facts regarding the way of life of our people. Specific features of style, writer's skill on the use of ethnographic plots were analyzed in G. Musrepov's works.
Cómo citar
Mira Rashidovna Baltymova, G. S. O., Niyazova, G. M., Toxanbayeva, T. Z., & Ulikpanova, A. Z. (2020). Continuity of ethno-folklore tradition in modern prose. Opción, 36, 794-808. Recuperado a partir de