Implication of work environment, market and learning orientations on innovation in Indonesia

  • Nurminingsih, Umar Nimran, Suharyono, Yusri Abdillah Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
Palabras clave: Innovation, Learning orientation, Market orientation, Work environment, SME.


This study aims to reveal the effect of the work environment, market orientation, learning orientation on innovation, the influence of the work environment on market orientation and learning, and the influence of market orientation on learning orientation in Indonesia. It is utilizing 112 purposive sampling and employing Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) to analyze data. The results showed that the work environment had a significant positive effect on market orientation, the work environment had a significant positive effect on learning orientation, market orientation had a significant positive effect on learning.
Cómo citar
Yusri Abdillah, N. U. N. S. (2020). Implication of work environment, market and learning orientations on innovation in Indonesia. Opción, 36, 65-79. Recuperado a partir de