Paralysed Digital Economy And The Role Of Youth In The Development And Simulation Of Creativity In Era 4.0

  • James Kalimanzila Matemani
  • Anwar Ma’ruf Ma’ruf
Palabras clave: Paralysed, Digital, Economic, Development


This study discusses the key factors that paralyse the younger generation in the context of economic thinking when they are using digital accessories and Internet services. Likewise, this study has demonstrated the way forward concerning how to handle this issue. Furthermore, this research found that numerous countries depend on youth economic charities as the key player of economic development, particularly in the digital era. The data was col- lected through both qualitative and quantitative methods using statistic tools and in-depth interviews. In conclusion, the paralysed digital economy can be removed through collective digital education and youth involvement in the digital economy, particularly in this technological and innovation era.

Biografía del autor/a

James Kalimanzila Matemani
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Anwar Ma’ruf Ma’ruf
Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga


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Cómo citar
Kalimanzila Matemani, J., & Ma’ruf, A. M. (2019). Paralysed Digital Economy And The Role Of Youth In The Development And Simulation Of Creativity In Era 4.0. Opción, 35, 914-934. Recuperado a partir de