Work-family interaction in researchers of a public university

Keywords: Work, work-family conflict, roles, resources


The purpose of this work is to identify the main factors of workfamily conflict in researchers at a public university in southeastern Mexico. It is qualitative, using an online survey through a Microsoft form. Three open questions were posed to identify the negative and positive connections of the work-family and work-family relationship. The answers were analyzed with the support of the ATLAS.ti 9 software. The results show evidence that men experience a positive family-work interaction and women a negative work-family interaction; they perceive that this situation slows down their professional advancement.

Author Biography

Norma Aguilar-Morales, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

Norma Aguilar Morales. Doctora en Gestión Estratégica y Políticas de Desarrollo por la Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, actualmente es profesora investigadora de tiempo completo en la Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco [UJAT]. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel I. Es responsable académica del Doctorado en Administración Educativa (PNPC004400), ha publicado diversos artículos, libros y capítulos de libro y ha presentado trabajos en diversos congresos nacionales e internacionales. Premio al Mérito Científico UJAT 2016. Premio al Mérito Académico UJAT 2007, 2014 y 2020. Premio al Mérito Académico “Arturo Elizundia Charles” en el 2013, por la región 6 Sur de ANFECA.


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How to Cite
Aguilar-Morales, N. (2022). Work-family interaction in researchers of a public university. Opción, 38, 179-199.

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