Scientific women in Mexico. National Research System. Challenges and prospects

Keywords: gender, science, institutions, system


The participation and behavior of female researchers in the SNI of Conacyt in the state of Tlaxcala 2018-2020 is analyzed. It is shown that the proportion of women scientists in the country increased one percentage point from 37% to 38%; however, in Tlaxcala, it increased eight percentage points in the same period, despite this, there is an absence of policies that encourage the participation of female scientists. Thus, in Tlaxcala, it is possible to affirm that the number of female scientists in the SNI at the national level is less than men, so in Tlaxcala the gender gap was reduced.

Author Biography

Angélica Cazarín-Martínez, El Colegio de Tlaxcala, A. C., México

The participation and behavior of female researchers in the SNI of Conacyt in the state of Tlaxcala 2018-2020 is analyzed. It is shown that the proportion of women scientists in the country increased one percentage point from 37% to 38%; however, in Tlaxcala, it increased eight percentage points in the same period, despite this, there is an absence of policies that encourage the participation of female scientists. Thus, in Tlaxcala, it is possible to affirm that the number of female scientists in the SNI at the national level is less than men, so in Tlaxcala the gender gap was reduced.


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How to Cite
Cazarín-Martínez, A. (2022). Scientific women in Mexico. National Research System. Challenges and prospects. Opción, 38, 20-50.