Perspectives on power’s concept in Byung-Chul Han

  • José Francisco Guerrero Lobo Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela)
  • José Vicente Villalobos Antúnez Universidad del Alba (Chile)
Keywords: Byung Chul Han, politic power, digital society, politic crisis, politics theories


The article contains a discussion about the concept of power in Byung Chul Han, especially contained in his works: On power, Hegel and the power and Psychopolitics. Through hermeneutical-phenomenological methodology, the concept is interpreted on the author's analysis. This goes from the concept of power in a generic sense, passing through the Hegelian perspective, inserting the concept in the disciplinary society
whit a Foucaultian vision, reinterpreting it from the so-called neuronal society, typical of the society of tiredness. It is concluded with the author, that power is inserted in the digital society, which dominates through internals compulsions of the subject.


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How to Cite
José Francisco Guerrero Lobo, & José Vicente Villalobos Antúnez. (2022). Perspectives on power’s concept in Byung-Chul Han. Opción, 37(96), 260-282.