Colonial history: Castellan procedural law in the Province of Venezuela: rial for maltreatment of slaves 1800-1803

  • Luis Manuel Marcano Salazar Universidad SEK, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Keywords: colonial procedural law, Indian procedural law, Castilian law


Reconstruction of the trial for slave mistreatment followed against Juan Silvestre Monzón, mayordomo of the Valles de Capaya, in the colonial period of the province of Venezuela [1800-1803]. Castilian procedural law, the source of what would later become the procedural law of the colony and of the new republics, was legalistic and nurtured by acts and formulas that had to be carried out within a process whose maximum height was Spain. The slaves were protected as they became an important property for the Mantuan landowners and formed part of the economic support of the crown in its colonies.


Fuentes primarias citadas

Autos contra Don Juan Silvestre Monzón por el riguroso castigo que dio a sus dos esclavos, María del Carmen del Rosario y el negro Polo y a Juan Ramón que lo es de la hacienda de Don Francisco Longa. Criminales. 1800, t. 42, exp. H10, folios 245, vitrina 3, archivo II, Academia Nacional de la Historia.

Causa: Don Juan Silvestre Monzón por el castigo que dio a sus esclavos. Criminales, 1801, tomo 79, expediente H6, folios 50, vitrina 3, archivo II, Academia Nacional de la Historia, Caracas.

Fuentes legales citadas

Código de Las Siete Partidas del rey Don Alfonso, El Sabio. p. 4, t. 21 Código de Las Siete Partidas del rey Don Alfonso, El Sabio p. 3, 5, 6 t. 1, 12, 21, 31.

Escriché Joaquín. Diccionario razonado de legislación y jurisprudencia. Bogotá. Temis. 1977, Pág. 548

Fuentes secundarias consultadas y no citadas

García Chuecos, Héctor. Historia Colonial de Venezuela. Tomos I, II, III. Caracas. Archivo General de la Nación, 1986.

How to Cite
Marcano Salazar, L. M. (2021). Colonial history: Castellan procedural law in the Province of Venezuela: rial for maltreatment of slaves 1800-1803. Opción, 37(94), 121-140.