Food industry: looks at service quality management and customer satisfaction

  • Lluvia Nohemi Núñez Tobias Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, México
  • Gertrudis Ziritt Trejo Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia
  • Zahira Moreno Freites Escuela de Negocios Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia
  • Harold Silva Guerra Escuela de Negocios Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia
  • Víctor Márceles Guerrero Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
Keywords: Quality of service; customer satisfaction; service quality management model; Servuction Model.


The quality of the service and customer satisfaction in food industry, is the object of this article. Using a quantitative methodology supported by qualitative techniques, a survey of 25 reagents designed with the SERVPERF tool is applied to 247 restaurant customers in Baja California, Mexico. Four factor analyzes are obtained for the first variable and one for the second. Pearson's correlation identifies the highest incidence relationship between the convenience and precision components. These results justify a quality management model to meet expectations in the service and improve customer satisfaction, considering that the trend in this type of business is mainly marked by the performance of these two categories associated with the product.

How to Cite
Lluvia Nohemi Núñez Tobias, Gertrudis Ziritt Trejo, Zahira Moreno Freites, Harold Silva Guerra, & Víctor Márceles Guerrero. (2021). Food industry: looks at service quality management and customer satisfaction. Opción, 36(93-2), 892-924. Retrieved from