The Concept Of Fiscal Decentralization And Policy Management In Federal Countries

  • Lamyaa Haleem Abduladheem Alwash


States shall ensure that the jurisdiction of the judiciary shall be divided among the different courts the legislator defines the definition according to which the jurisdiction of each jurisdiction is determined and the legislator intervenes to define the type of jurisdiction or type of courts that serve one jurisdiction. This distribution although it had the greatest impact on improving the au- thority and facilities of the judiciary, but it was at the time as a starting point for legal problems between arbitrators arising from conflict in defining their jurisdiction

Author Biography

Lamyaa Haleem Abduladheem Alwash
Presidency of the University of Babylon


Dr.Abdul Wahab Ashmawi, Mohammed Ashmawi, Asher Abdul Wahab Ashmawi, rules,Proceedings in the Egyptian Comparative Book, No Printing, No Year Printed, p. 221

See Judgment of the Court the Supreme Constitutional Court Judgment No. 6 of 16 Disputes of 1114-1115, p. 90,

Wahhab, previous source, p. 429-431. See Article (25) of the Court’s Law, the Supreme Constitution No. 43 of the y32. a. Agadir Tham- er Assaf Bassem Zune, former source, p. 249

Article (25 / second) of the Egyptian legislator only required the unity of the subject matter, Reference to the requirement of unity of the framework of the lawsuit, which is understood by the non-requirement of unity liabilities in the calls

Article 139 of the Lebanese legislator referred to the case of con- flict of jurisdiction, but it is not permissible to the liabilities unit as a con- dition for verification.

Dr.George Shefaq, former source, p. 296 and Dr. Fahd Abdul Kareem Abu al-’Atham, former source, P. 131, see d. Fatima Al-Suwais, Management Disputes,Lebanon, 2004, p. 164

Dr.Mustafa Abu Z. Fahm, Administrative Judiciary and the State Council, I 4, Cairo, Dar al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, 1191 p. 113 and d. Bader Mohamed Adel, Supervision of Judgments in Management in the King- dom of the Sea, 1, Cairo, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, No year printed, p. 122,See also Mohamed Refaat Abdel Wahab, former source, p. 426

See Rajab Mohammed Khalaf al-Zubayd, The Rules of Evidence for the Contradictory Evidence in the Case of the City, vol. 1, Human Rights Publications, Lebanon, 2011, p.135

The Court’s decision on the Supreme Constitutional Court, Judg- ment No. 4 of 14, 1114, referred to above, a study of the Supreme Court’s judgments issued in 2006 , 1114 Cases of Conflict of Jurisdiction and En- forcement Disputes, Journal of State Affairs, p.111-115, p. 94, p. 31

Fahd Abdul-Kareem Abu al-’Atham, former source, p. 131

Agam Thamer Na ؾ, Captured by the name of Zun, ibid., P. 209

George W. D., Berlovich E, C1, Former Source, 193

Hamdan Hassan understood the terms of reference of the consti-

tutional judiciary in Egypt and its provisions and implementation and its effects, Cairo, Dar Abu al-Majd, 2001, p. 123

Dr.Raed Add, Legal Action Court, Cairo, Dar Al Nahda Al Arabi- ya,2001, p. 226

Hearing of Abra Badawi, Judgment of the Judiciary in the case of the administration,Alexandria, 2012, p. 164

See Article 105 of the Evidence Act, Iraq No. 109 of 1981, which states:The judgments issued by the Iraqi courts that have obtained the de- gree of the bits are an argument according to what they have been dis- missed from.He pointed out the e / 3 /. Judgment of the District Court / District Court / Case No. 44 P16

Al-Zahawi, a close look at the hearings and decisions of selected cases from the district, P. 360. See also Al-Adel, The Dispute arising out of the Implementation of a Contradictory Judgment, Journal of Judiciary and Legislation,2014, p. 125,, x6, p.2

Group. Judgment of the Court Article 14 of the year 21,1 rule 3 p. 1299

41 d. Mohamed Fouad Abdel Basset, The Constitutional Court, Judge of Conflict, New University House, Alexandria, 2005, p. 103

Judgment of the Court The Supreme Constitution No. 13 of the year 11 BC Conflict, p,He pointed out.

Mohamed Fouad Abdel Basset, former source, p. 111, Judgment No. 11 of 35 BC -,2014 noted the d. Abd al-’Az Z Muhammad Salman, previous source, p

See Article 141 of the State Consultative Council Law No. 10434 of 1195,D, Salman, op. Cit., P. 301.

How to Cite
Abduladheem Alwash, L. H. (2019). The Concept Of Fiscal Decentralization And Policy Management In Federal Countries. Opción, 35, 1141-1173. Retrieved from