Visual Narrative as Strategy of Traditional Texts: A Study on Serat Menak

  • Mochtar Lutfi Doctoral Program Students of Social Sciences Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Trisna Kumala Satya Dewi Department of Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Gesang Manggala Nugraha Putra Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia


The study aims to investigate visual narrative as a strategy of traditional texts on Serat Menak via descriptive qualitative research methods. As a result, illumination and illustration images in the Serat Menak script show copyist creativity, mastery of color composition, and knowledge of puppet images. In conclusion, the illustrations in the Serat Menak script have a close relationship with the contents of the story.
How to Cite
Lutfi, M., Satya Dewi, T. K., & Nugraha Putra, G. M. (2019). Visual Narrative as Strategy of Traditional Texts: A Study on Serat Menak. Opción, 35, 713-730. Retrieved from