The forms and meanings of baby birth, cultural discourse in manggarai language

  • Fransiskus Bustan, Jos Bire Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia


This study describes the forms and meanings of baby birth,cultural discourse in Manggarai languagein Indonesia. The methodsof collecting data were observation, interview, focused-group discussion, and a documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively by using inductive method.The resultsof the study show that the forms and meanings of baby birth cultural discourse in the Manggarai languageare specific to Manggarai culture as they reflect the conceptualisations of Manggarai people on the different status of a female and male in the Manggarai social system of wa’u, patrilineal-genealogic clan, based on sexual differences.
How to Cite
Jos Bire, F. B. (2019). The forms and meanings of baby birth, cultural discourse in manggarai language. Opción, 34, 912-934. Retrieved from
Filosofía y Ciencias del Lenguaje