Entrepreneurial Education on Entrepreneurial intention among School Teachers in Malaysia

  • Samer Ali Al-shami
  • Faaizah Shahbodin
  • Nurulizwa Rashid
  • Che Ku Nuraini Che ku Mohd
  • Zanariah Jano


Recently, the development of youth entrepreneurship has received a con- siderable attention from both the literature and the governments. Yet, most studies focus on developed countries. Therefore, this study was based in the Malaysian context through developing social entrepreneurial training program to inculcate entrepreneurship skills and knowledge. This paper aimed to analyse the entrepreneurial training determinants that successfully formed entrepreneurial intention among secondary school teachers. A sur- vey via questionnaire was conducted among 73 teachers. Exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were utilized. The selected schools are among the large schools in the city and provide entrepreneurial knowl- edge, especially to students with disability. The findings yielded that knowl- edge of entrepreneurship positively affects students’ intention mediated by, norms, attitude and self-efficiency.

Author Biographies

Samer Ali Al-shami
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Institute of Technology Management and Entrepreneurship
Faaizah Shahbodin
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Nurulizwa Rashid
Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship
Che Ku Nuraini Che ku Mohd
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Zanariah Jano
Centre for Languages and Human Development


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How to Cite
Ali Al-shami, S., Shahbodin, F., Rashid, N., Che ku Mohd, C. K. N., & Jano, Z. (2019). Entrepreneurial Education on Entrepreneurial intention among School Teachers in Malaysia. Opción, 35, 1132-1154. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/29928