Impact of Using a Constructivism Strategy to Enhance EFL University Students' Writing Skills

  • Shoaib Saeed Fahady


This research investigates writing skills needed for EFL students and the effectiveness of mind-map strategy in improving students’ writing skills. The sample of the research consists of 80 male and female second-year students from the Department of English /College of Education for Humani- ties / University of Mosul for the Academic year 2018/2019. The sample was divided between two groups; experimental and control; 40 students each. The researcher prepared a list of EFL writing skills and posttest in writing. A set of activities was also designed by the researcher to train students by using two constructivism strategies; viz. Problem solving and mind-mapping. The results show the effectiveness of mind- mapping in developing writing skills for college level students. In the light of the findings, number of recommendations was set

Author Biography

Shoaib Saeed Fahady
College of Education for Humanities University of Mosul


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How to Cite
Saeed Fahady, S. (2019). Impact of Using a Constructivism Strategy to Enhance EFL University Students’ Writing Skills. Opción, 35, 28. Retrieved from