The Effectiveness of Distribution of Zakat Funds on ZDC South Sumatra

  • Rinol Sumantri, Sri Iswati, Ali Mufrodi Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business, State Islamic University Raden Fatah Palembang


The study aims to deepen how the effectiveness of the management of funds through the Zakat Development Community (ZDC) program and deepen how its impact to the mustahik by using the CIBEST approach (Center of Islamic Business Economic Studies). The mixed methodology method was adopted to achieve its objective. The result shows that the ZDC programs established by the National Zakat Agency have contributed well enough to improve welfare and reduce the poverty rate in Banyuasin district. In conclusion, Religious Obligatory program of Zakat Community Development (ZCD) has run effectively since the year 2013 till this time.
How to Cite
Ali Mufrodi, R. S. S. I. (2019). The Effectiveness of Distribution of Zakat Funds on ZDC South Sumatra. Opción, 35, 1572-1588. Retrieved from