Sports management: shaping competitive performance and mass participance

  • Valery Panachev, Leonid Zelenin, Anatoly Opletin, Aleksandr Legotkin Department of fisical culture, Perm national research politehnik university, Komsomol, pr., 29, Perm, Russia


This article introduces some measures that allow increasing the motivation to do sports, reflected by sociological research data. Polling as a sociological research method was carried out in parallel through the interview and a questionnaire. Results revealed that 46% of participants positively assess the quality of training. In conclusion, young generation has obviously a positive view of physical training. Students stand for different sports sections. Thus, educational establishments face a problem associated with their inability to deliver expectations of each student.
How to Cite
Aleksandr Legotkin, V. P. L. Z. A. O. (2019). Sports management: shaping competitive performance and mass participance. Opción, 34, 201-209. Retrieved from