Green Cloud Computing Ideas with Security Threats and Solutions

  • Robbi Rahim
  • Fitri Masitoh
  • Alexei B. Kuzmichev
  • E. Laxmi Lydia
  • K. Shankar
Palabras clave: Cloud computing, data privacy, security, service model, solutions


Cloud Computing gives the capacity to utilize computing and capacity assets on a metered premise and lessen the interests in an associations processing foundation. Cloud computing has been on the ascent for a long time yet the threats to this innovation are currently more unam- biguous than any time in recent memory. On the off chance that the business is to be legitimized by the concerned native it should initially defeat a genuine of potential threats, past just cyber-crime. Peoples are not very much aware about the security issues and the dangers worried about cloud computing. It is by all accounts a tremendous boundary to the selection of cloud administrations. The data in regards to how to oversee information security inside a cloud, information protection in the cloud, cloud security principles, the administrative and consistence ramifications of relocating to a cloud model, and so on ought to be sure- ly known before receiving the cloud administration and arrangements. This paper introduces a comprehension of this intricate situation and explains every one of these issues by distinguishing and ordering the fundamental security concerns and arrangements in cloud computing and gives complete direction on the best way to ex- plore the field of cloud computing to accomplish the most extreme profit for cloud ventures without bargaining data security.

Biografía del autor/a

Robbi Rahim
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sukma, Medan, Indonesia
Fitri Masitoh
Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang, Indonesia.
Alexei B. Kuzmichev
Togliatti State University, Russia
E. Laxmi Lydia
Professor, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology(A), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
K. Shankar
Department of Computer Applications, Alagappa University, India


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Cómo citar
Rahim, R., Masitoh, F., B. Kuzmichev, A., Laxmi Lydia, E., & Shankar, K. (2019). Green Cloud Computing Ideas with Security Threats and Solutions. Opción, 35, 1101-1121. Recuperado a partir de

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